The Good Noise Blog
Sr. Margaret Dynski, SSJ, MD, a Rochester, NY, surgeon, recently wrote to the editor of The Joyful Noiseletter: "In these uncertain and scary times, would it be possible to issue a happy, lift-me-up version of The Joyful Noiseletter? The news media and social media are drowning people in a tsunami of bad news. But the Gospel is always "the good news." So The Joyful Noiseletter has introduced "The Good Noise Blog" on its website that will regularly feature some of JN's most inspirational and hilarious articles from our past 35 years, on the blog and on JN's Facebook. It will enable JN subscribers to share these articles with their friends on Facebook and give them a faith-lift.
Wise Men Still Seek Him
Matthew 1 - Narrator: Join me in another episode in the ongoing saga of All God's Children's on As the Ancient World Turns around the Guiding Light of the Days of All my Ancestor's Lives, brought to you as always by Noah's Ark Pet Soap, cleaning up after animals for generations.
Two that belong near the manger scene
Everyone knows the first visitors to the baby King Jesus were shepherds the night he was born, and magi from the East, sometime later, maybe even a year after. They get their places in the nativity scenes, with sheep and camels as accessories. But there are two others who came to see Jesus, o
Where did all the peacemakers go? And where did all the impartial journalists go?
And where did all the impartial journalists go?
Previous Articles
Christian Performer Matthew West Lets Humor Bring Gospel Joy in Songs of Grace
Fairly Spiritual Worship Service
God's kids say and do the funniest things
The Gospel according to Erma Bombeck
Abe Lincoln's sanity saved by his humor
THE HOLY GHOSTWRITER Rejoice in the different ways people worship God
A laugh a day keeps the psychiatrist away
God's kids say & do the funniest things
Will Rogers - America's greatest journalist?
Christian Civil War? A Joyful Jesus or a Sad Jesus?
After the Winter, God sends the Spring
The Holy Ghostwriter: Unpraiseworthy Band
Pastor lifts congregation's spirits
An old Orthodox prayer to end an unorthodox war
IT'S A MIRACLE! A health and diet book with a spiritual focus
A New Year's prayer to end all epidemics
The healing power and joy of forgiveness
The Holy Ghostwriter: First Christmas News Reports
The Gospel according to Erma Bombeck
GESUNDHEIT! What we all can learn from Tom Brady, 'St. GOAT'
Is the Press Sleeping on the Job? Beyond Pesticides & the rise of interest in organic foods
IN THE MARRY MONTH OF JUNE - The funny side of weddings and marriages
'St. Mugg's' resurrection: 'Laughter is God's therapy'
An Easter Reflection: Where did the Pharaohs go?
Whatever happened to 'good works'?
185,000 members spread Joygerms worldwide
What the news media didn't tell you about pandemics
Patch Adams calls for 'a revolution of loving'
Messianic Jewish wit full of one-liners
Celebrating JN's 35th Anniversary
Why not invite brains to the coronavirus press briefings?
Groucho Marx mask befuddles coronavirus
A 'Resurrection Day' for healed parishioners?
'March of Prayer' is 'March Gladness'
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